Let's face it:
Nobody cares about your business like you do.
Your employees don't care whether you're getting rich or poor, so long as they're getting paid.
Your Virtual Assistant doesn't have a business mind like you do.
They simply cannot comprehend the big picture to understand or care like you do.
That's why you better not build your business in a way that's dependent on other people caring!
The obvious solution, that I've hopefully drilled into your brain by now, is the switch to thinking:
Process-Based, Not People-Based™
If you're already suffering from trying to use People, instead of Processes, to solve Problems...
I feel your pain.
Even after years of learning this lesson over & over, I still occasionally make the same mistake:
"Trying to hire a Person to solve a Problem (without a proper Process)."
Hiring the right people is already one of the toughest tasks in any business, and nobody bats 1000.
Firing & losing team members is part of the game.
That's why trying to use People to solve Problems w/o enabling them with proper tools, training, and procedures, is making the already difficult hiring problem utterly impossible.
They don't care about your business like you do.
If you're thinking about hiring a Virtual Assistant to solve your current problems,
Problems that you haven't, can't, or won't to solve yourself,
I've got news for you:
A Person is not a Solution to a Problem (without a Process).
Especially not a Virtual Assistant who is
- working remotely for you,
- for only a couple hours a day, and
- probably also working on 2 or 3 other campaigns,
- all during a typical work day.
The solution you need, first and foremost, is a systematic Process to follow.
Once you have the right Process, the right Person can easily help solve your Problem.
Depending on where you are in the progression, there are 2 primary ways we can help you solve this Problem the right way: with Processes before People.
How Can We Help Remedy This Problem At REVAS?
Solution 1: Outsourcing and/or Business Process Consulting
If you're not sure what exactly you need to work on / outsource, or...
If you know you need to systematize and streamline some parts of your business...
Outsourcing and/or Business Process Consulting with me personally can help point you in the right direction, and get the ball rolling on streamlining & automating your operations.
Solution 2: Process Development Services
If you're looking to go more Process-Based, Not People-Based™ in your own business, and...
You already have your Task(s) and Workflow(s) in mind...
The next step is building better step-by-step Standard Operating Procedures.
We provide 'Done For You' Process Development Services to help improve existing SOPs or create whole new ones, while you barely have to lift a finger.
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But, no matter what we do, at the end of the day:
"Your Virtual Assistant doesn't really care about your business like you do."
Remember this, and you'll avoid mistakes like trying to use a Person to solve a Problem, or trying to outsource your deal flow. These almost never work. If they did, everyone would be successful.
The true path to success is focusing on your core competencies, and delegating the mundane.
Don't expect your Virtual Assistants (or onsite employees) are going to actually care about your success, or have a business mindstate to help grow your bottom line.
We at REVAS - as a company - can help keep your success in the forefront of our minds, but even then your Virtual Assistant alone is but a cog in the machine, with little comprehension of your greater vision.
Hopefully this will help your success working with Virtual Assistants, and save you some money on failed efforts trying to delegate your Care.