GUIDE: How to Use Real Estate Admin Virtual Assistants
Admin Workflow Ingredients: Systems, Processes, and People #1. The SYSTEMS. The Systems that underpin your Virtual Assistant Workflows are like the frame of a building: without them, you have no structure! The key Systems you’ll need to consider for your Admin Virtual Assistants’ include things like: a.) Software (CRM, MLS, Prop Mgmt Software, Loan Origination […]
GUIDE: Real Estate Cold Call Telemarketing
The 4 Main Components of Every Telemarketing Campaign #1. The LIST. Your List is the target. Without a clear & accurate picture of the target, it’ll be impossible to actually hit your objective! Therefore, a good Cold Call Telemarketing List is a crucial foundation. Lists sold separately: See List Building & Skip Tracing Services here. […]
Tasks You Should NOT Outsource To Real Estate Virtual Assistants
I spend a lot of time talking about the different types of activities you can outsource to your real estate VAs… but I was thinking today that I don’t spend enough time talking about what NOT to outsource to your real estate virtual assistants. Because, while there are plenty of tasks that are no-brainers for […]
How To Get The Most From Your Real Estate Virtual Assistant
Setting Up Your Real Estate Virtual Assistant for Success The key to getting the most of your virtual assistant experience is to set him or her up with the proper tools in the beginning and providing ongoing feedback (especially in the beginning of a new task). The more work you do upfront in detailing and […]
How To Hire Real Estate Virtual Assistants
“In Real Estate, Delegating Equals Success” As your business grows, or if you want it to grow even more, you’re eventually going to need to hire real estate virtual assistants (or local staff) just to survive. The bigger your income becomes, the more your task list gets longer and longer. Many real estate agents who […]
5 Easy Ways to Nurture Real Estate Client Relationships
As a real estate professional, your relationship with your clients is the most important factor in determining your success. Without a way to nurture real estate client relationships, develop long-term clients, word-of-mouth recommendations, and a positive image in your community, your business runs a large risk of failing. With return clients you can spend more […]
Building A Real Estate Telemarketing List
At Real Estate Virtual Assistant Services, one of our most popular offerings is Real Estate Telemarketing. No matter what you do, your real estate telemarketing efforts will always involve some semblance of at least two factors: Real Estate Telemarketing SCRIPTS, and Real Estate Telemarketing LISTS. Today, we’ll be exploring the latter. And, it’s a topic […]
Real Estate Outsourcing & ROI
Real estate outsourcing & using Virtual Assistants in your company is a no-brainer at this point, going hand-in-hand with using technology to streamline your business. Clients are pressuring real estate professionals to provide more & more value… for less and less money… and this trend is showing no signs of reversing. An effective approach to […]
Hiring Your First Real Estate Virtual Assistant
Outsourcing is difficult. Managing remote teams is tricky. It’s easy to fall short of your goals, even if you feel like you’re doing everything right. Hiring your first Virtual Assistant (or your next one) is a daunting task… whether or not you realize it yet. I know from personal experience, because I’ve spent in the […]
The Lies VAs Tell (And How NOT To Fall For Them)
Hiring is one of business’ great challenges. Companies who master the art of recruiting and keeping the best people become legendary. Most companies never get better than just ok at it. Many go down in flames due to poor hiring & training practices that result in a dismal company culture. So, how can you do […]