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Real Estate Data Appending
Add More Data to Your Existing Lead Lists (Like Phone Numbers, Emails, and Social Media Info)

The goal of Real Estate Data Appending is simple:
To add missing Decision Maker Contact Info to your Lists.
Let’s say you have a list with names & addresses but you want to run a Telemarketing Campaign to them.
Or let’s say you want to send email marketing or reach out to Homeowners on social media, you’re going to need to add that information to your existing lists.
It is usually easy to find a Homeowner’s name & a property address from public records.
So, Data Appending is most often used to append harder-to-find data, like:
- phone numbers,
- emails &
- social media.
This is basically another approach to Skip Tracing.
How It Works:
Similar to data-focused tasks like Skip Tracing, using a Virtual Assistant for Data Appending is usually going to be a combination of automated technology tools & manual deep-dive research.
The automated tools are abundant (even REVAS+ includes Skip Tracing for Members as low as $0.03 per record). The goal is to append data without needing to do much, if any, manual labor BEFORE you start investing time into Overseas Virtual Assistants to research the hard way.
However, sometimes the automated technological method falls short, and you can get better results by having an Overseas Virtual Assistant following detailed, step-by-step Standard Operating Procedures to look up this missing information, using a variety of free & paid databases on the web.
The big benefit of Data Appending is that you’ll be able to expand your Outbound Direct Marketing Campaigns, and contact people via different channels than you could before.
If you only have their name & address, you can only send them direct mail.
If you have their phone number, social media & email, you can target them on all of those platforms.
You can use Telemarketing to reach out to them, you can send them personalized email messages, you can even target them with your Facebook or Instagram ads so they display only to those people on your targeted List.
The biggest challenge with Data Appending is that sometimes the information will either be impossible to find, or inaccurate.
This largely depends on the locations that you’re targeting, the type of property & property owners that you’re targeting, and other various factors that have to do with the public records & their availability to the mass public at large.
One of the other big challenges of Data Appending can be running into a list of properties that are mostly owned by business entities or trusts.
If your properties are primarily held by LLCs & corporations then we’re going to need to add another step into the mix which is called “Entity Unmasking” … and it requires a whole different set of skills & databases (before you can come back to the more traditional Data Appending & Skip Tracing approaches).
Work Estimate:
The good news about Data Appending is that first, it can start by using automated tools.
While there are a lot of options to choose from, which might create some headaches at first, it’s definitely worth testing different Data Appending tools & resources to see which ones perform best in your market for your particular Lists.
With automated tools & providers, you can typically expect a starting price based on the number of records that you’re using Data Appending to add to.
Depending on the complexity of your List(s), that could range anywhere from $0.03 per record up to $1.00+ per record!
You can even use Overseas Virtual Assistants for a process of “Deep Dive Manual Skip Tracing,” where the VA essentially functions like a virtual Private Investigator, digging deep into the online footprint (including family members & past addresses).
In these types of extreme scenarios, you could see hard costs exceeding $10 per record … however for ultra High Value Targets, this can be a small price to pay to reach someone who otherwise you couldn’t.