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Real Estate List Building
Build Lists for Direct Mail, Cold Calling, Email, and Custom Audiences for Online Ads
Through the REVAS+ Digital Launchpad, we provide effortless List Building and Skip Tracing services, with rates as low as $0.03 per record for Homeowner Contact Info (plus Commercial Data and B2B Lists, all under one roof).
Real Estate List Building is one of the first major steps in any outbound Direct Marketing Campaign (and even some Inbound Advertising).
Your List is the raw data of targeted Prospects to whom you intend to send marketing messages.
This can include anything from Property Owners, to Business Decision Makers, to potential Partners & Joint Venture opportunities.
To build a successful List, you’ll need to be clear on who you’re targeting, and why.
The number one goal of your Real Estate List Building is simple:
Build a List that generates massive ROI when you market to it!
How It Works:
There are tons of Lead List Data providers out there, ranging from “Tier 1” clearinghouses like Experian, TransUnion, LexisNexis, and more…
… All the way down to niche providers & brokers who will custom-build Lists for you.
The List Building Process will start with your ability & conscientiousness to clearly define the criteria for the list that will fulfill your needs.
One of the best ways to define a good Lead List for your Virtual Assistants to track down, is to replicate the defining details of your best existing Clients, and / or the ideal Clients you desire.
Once you can define your List, and if necessary, help train your Virtual Assistants to any specialized Tasks they’ll need to understand to compile it… you can delegate your List Building to a Virtual Assistant in a way that runs on total autopilot.
You might need to provide them with some additional paid tools as well, so be mindful when you’re signing up for data subscriptions whether your Virtual Assistant will be able to login (or if they’ll need their own User Account or “seat”).
Every List is different, and your List Building process will depend a lot on whether you’re targeting private individual Consumers (Business-To-Consumer, or B2C), or if you’re targeting other Businesses (Business-To-Business, or B2B).
The key is research List Sources for your particular niche, and testing different alternatives until you find the solution that maximizes ROI.
When handled correctly Real Estate List Building will be the backbone of your Direct Marketing success!
Once you’re able to consistently build quality Lists that meet your Lead Generation criteria, you will have the foundation of a machine with which you can practically “print money.”
Once you have a clear Cost Per Lead based on your aggregate costs of List Building and Direct Marketing, you’ll be able to calculate clearly how much you need to spend to get a new Customer (Customer Acquisition Cost, or CAC).
Using a combination of low-cost Overseas Virtual Assistants and the right mix of Data Subscription Solutions, you’ll be able to start building better & better performing Campaigns to generate more revenue, faster.
Lead data is never 100% available or accurate.
It can be expensive to build your Lists if data is especially difficult to find and / or requires paid membership to specific local sites.
Some real estate information requires physical access to a county office, which can be a pain to get (adding significant extra costs), but still economically viable.
Keeping up with new trends & generally grasping the overall marketplace of List Building Solutions has a steep learning curve!
Work Estimate:
List Building can be priced out in one of two ways:
- Per Record Price (typical if you’re buying pre-built Lists or downloading through a Subscription)
- Per Work Hour Price (what to expect if you’re using Overseas Virtual Assistants to build Lists manually).
Depending on what type of List(s) you’re building, when you combine the two types of costs above, you can typically expect ballpark hard costs in the range of:
- $0.05 Per Record (or less) for easy-to-build Residential Property Lists
- $1 – $2 Per Record (or more) for complex B2B or Commercial Real Estate Decision Maker Lists
One thing to keep in mind is that a more costly List is not always a bad List!
Sometimes it’s worth spending much more Per Record in the List Building process, so you can save a ton of money eliminating low-value targets before you ever invest a penny into Direct Mail or Telemarketing.
BONUS: List Resources Quicklinks!
To assist in your research, here are just some of our favorite 3rd party List Building solutions:
Tier 1 Data Clearinghouses
• TransUnion (and their API, TLOxp)
• LexisNexis
• Experian
B2B & B2C List Providers
• Exact Data
• Data Axle USA (formerly InfoUSA)
• DataZAPP
Residential Real Estate Data Sources
• Your local County Auditor / County Assessor
• PropStream
• Offrs
• Smartzip
• Percy (formerly Buyside)
B2C Data Specialists
• BeenVerified
• Intelius
• Pipl
B2B Data Specialists
• LinkedIn Sales Navigator
• D&B Hoovers
• Lead411
• Seamless.ai
• Hunter.io
Commercial Real Estate Data
• CoStar
• Reonomy
• ProspectNow
Real Estate List Building Questions?
We’re Always Happy to Help!