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Real Estate Pre-Listing Presentations
Build Compelling Presentations to "Wow" Your Seller Prospects & Get Them to List With You

The goal of hiring REVAS to create your Real Estate Pre-Listing Presentation is to build a Done-For-You document that will truly “wow” your prospective Seller Clients at — or even before — your very first meeting.
A Pre-Listing Presentation is a document you present to prospective Listing Clients to explain the benefits & background of what it will be like listing their property with you.
Your high-quality Real Estate Pre-Listing Presentation can be both a PDF document or slideshow, as well as a full-color printed booklet. The Pre-Listing Presentation will:
- Demonstrate authority,
- Warm-up a Prospect before you meet in person,
- Provide an easily shareable explanation of who you are & what you do.
Therefore, the ultimate goal of your Pre-Listing Presentation is to convert more Listing Appointments into Listing Contracts.
How It Works:
A Pre-Listing Presentation is going to do a few things for your business.
It’s going to highlight:
- your background and qualifications
- the brand power of your brokerage
- your competitive advantages (how you stand out from others),
- recent similar sales you’re looking at for that potential seller,
- your marketing plan both short and long term,
- and what you’re going to do to get their home sold better than any other Agent in the market.
It’s also going to present a user-friendly proposition on how to move forward and take the next step in hiring you as their agent.
To get a Virtual Assistant to build your Pre-Listing Presentation, the first thing you’ll need to do is find someone who is good at Graphic Design and / or Slideshow Design.
Then, you’ll work closely with your Design Virtual Assistant to put together comprehensive research on you and your company.
From there, you can start the process of organizing & formatting what you’ve learned into a clean-cut Pre-Listing Presentation Template.
Ultimately you’ll be creating a compelling, easy-to-understand, and graphically appealing Presentation.
That way, you can use this presentation in PDF, Slideshow, or Printed Booklet formats. Most Agents will either share the Pre-Listing Presentation before you go to a Listing Appointment (shared via email or Social Media) … or at the actual Appointment itself (shared via Printed Booklet or as a Slideshow on your iPad).
A Real Estate Pre-Listing Presentation is an excellent visual aid, designed to instill confidence in the potential client that you are the right choice out of all of the alternative Agents who might be pitching them services.
A specialist Virtual Assistant can help distinguish you & your brand so you stand out from the herd and allow your best attributes to shine.
Ultimately, the goal is to research you and your company and transform that into a visually captivating presentation… designed to be presented in a variety of formats, especially focused on being able to show it in person.
The biggest value proposition that you’ll get with an improved Pre-Listing Presentation is simple:
Convert more Listing Appointments into actual Listings (and Closings).
More of your listing appointments are going to turn into listing contracts when you come prepared with this type of professional, high-end Presentation.
Plus it’s a one-time cost that will continue generating value forever.
At most, you might consider updating your Pre-Listing Presentation once or twice a year.
Other than that, it’s a one-time-only investment to create a powerful & re-useable Presentation (with great aesthetic value) customized to your business and your unique value propositions.
You will continue to see a more positive reaction from your prospects and clients at your listing appointments, and a higher conversion ratio overall of listing appointments into actual contracts.
There are two main downsides to building Pre-Listing Presentations.
The first & main Con to this type of workflow is pretty obvious:
Building your Pre-Listing Presentation from scratch is not cheap.
It’s a one-time cost … but you’re probably going to be spending in the $1,000 – $2,000+ range to get something that is suitable for all formats AND incredible looking both digitally & printed.
The second big Con of hiring a Virtual Assistant to build your Pre-Listing Presentation (which is often underestimated) is:
Some Agents can become overly focused on their Presentation during the Listing Appointment … and forget to actually build rapport and engage with the potential seller.
So, while a Pre-Listing Presentation is a very valuable tool (and it’s going to be something that will help you convert a higher percentage of your appointments into closed contracts)… It’s not a magic bullet, and it won’t do your job for you.
You still need to be an empathetic, in-tune, attentive salesperson, building a high-quality rapport with the prospect and asking targeted questions that can
- establish a relationship,
- create a vision,
- and, ultimately, lead to closing with you on the contract.
This is why it will be important to carefully consider where the Pre-Listing Presentation fits into your overall sales funnel.
Work Estimate:
There are two main components when it comes to the process of building your Pre-Listing Presentation:
The first is the Research Phase.
This involves in-depth sessions with your Senior Managers, as well as capturing data for your Virtual Assistant. The goal is to learn as much as possible about:
- who you are,
- what your story is,
- what are your unique value propositions and,
- what are the highlights of your track record?
What you’ll learn in this Research Phase will be what you’ll ultimately focus on in the finished Pre-Listing Presentation.
The second is the Development Phase.
Once you have the research and have highlighted your most powerful & compelling points…
… It’s time to bring in the Copywriting and Design Virtual Assistants to put everything together.
Your Copywriters should draft the written content for your Pre-Listing Presentation, custom-tailored to your strongest selling propositions.
Then the Copywriter will work collaboratively with the Graphic Designer to implement your content in an easy-to-digest, proven Pre-Listing Presentation Template that will help guide over-arching aesthetic choices, as well as nitty-gritty details like page order and Calls To Action.
The overall cost, which will be custom-tailored to your unique situation, based on your Virtual Assistants, and the complexity of your Presentation, will typically be in the ballpark of $1,500 – $2,500 to get a high-quality Pre-Listing Presentation built from scratch.
If you already have a lot of the materials ready to go, you might even be able to get it done cheaper… and, on the other hand, if you’re looking to combine your Pre-Listing Presentation with Video and dynamic Animated Content, a very fancy Pre-Listing Presentation could easily reach into the $5,000+ range as well!