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Real Estate Lead Magnet Creation
Offer White Papers, eBooks, & Other Attractive Content to Capture Prospect Contact Info

Real Estate Lead Magnet Creation is a process of creating ethical bribes to convert your Website Visitors and Direct Marketing Prospects into opted-in, Warm Inbound Leads.
One of the key goals of a Real Estate Lead Magnet will be “magnetizing” your Prospects onto your Drip Email and other Automated Follow Up Systems (e.g. CRM Follow Up Tasks, and Automated SMS Texts).
Therefore, there are three primary goals you’ll achieve with Real Estate Lead Magnet Creation:
- Build an “ethical bribe” to capture more Warm Inbound Leads,
- Automatically Nurture Existing Leads (by sharing the Lead Magnet with them), and
- Demonstrate your Authority with Prospects by ‘wowing them high-value Content.
How It Works:
When it comes to leveraging Virtual Assistants for your Real Estate Lead Magnet Creation workflow, you’ll most likely be using a combination of:
- US-based Copywriters, and
- Graphic Designers.
You’ll also want to get the input of other Team Leaders and Advisors / Mentors, specifically to answer key strategic questions about what exactly your Lead Magnet should be, and what should be included.
The first strategic decision to be made when it comes to Lead Magnet Creation is:
What format of Lead Magnet will you be creating?
The most common and popular Real Estate Lead Magnet formats include:
- Ebooks
- White Papers & Research Reports,
- Infographics,
- Videos,
- Podcasts, and
- Webinars.
Therefore, the first step of Lead Magnet Creation will be collaboratively determining the best type of content and format to build… with the input of your own company’s senior leadership & key stakeholders.
The next step is actually creating the Lead Magnet: building something in your preferred format, using your branding and color schemes…
… Ultimately resulting in a customized, totally unique Real Estate Lead Magnet.
Real Estate Lead Magnet Creation will help you increase website conversions and help establish authority while you nurture leads on auto-pilot.
One of the greatest values of having more and better Lead Magnets is that they can be leveraged to get more targeted Prospects onto your follow-up list. That means:
- More Prospects in your database, and
- More people looking to you as an authority (which is a highly underestimated, hidden benefit).
The better and higher quality Lead Magnets that you have to share with your Prospects and Clients, the more they’ll see you as a respected authority.
When considering the long-game, one of the best quality Lead Magnets you can consider creating is actually authoring a book that you can get properly published or self-published so that you have a book for sale on Amazon. Having your own book published certainly can generate an additional revenue stream, but (more importantly) it establishes you as an authority on the subject in the eyes of your Prospects.
If you have your book for sale on e-commerce stores and on physical shelves alike, then offering that as a free bonus or opt-in will create even more value and authority in your client’s eyes.
However, more simple Lead Magnets like a White Paper or Infographic can still provide significant value, and help boost your authority while capturing more Prospects into your sales funnel.
By far the biggest downside of Lead Magnet Creation is the cost.
Even for the simplest type of lead magnet creation (which would be a very simple Infographic or White Paper) …
… You’re still talking about work that requires multiple talented individuals to accomplish.
At the very least you’ll need:
- a copywriter,
- a graphic designer,
- and a collaborative process between you & your senior managers, to pinpoint exactly what content to focus on in the first place.
None of that is cheap.
Worse yet, once you have created your Lead Magnet, it won’t directly lead to new revenue.
A Lead Magnet is merely a tool in your Lead Generation and Content Marketing pipeline.
It will help convert more website visitors to active Prospects in your database… but you’ll still need to drive those website visitors to your site & to the Lead Magnet in the first place (which isn’t free, even if your only costs are time & energy).
So, while the Lead Magnet can have an excellent ROI overall, it is not something that’s going to directly generate revenue or close sales for you.
Work Estimate:
The Work Estimate and overall cost will vary widely depending on exactly what type of Lead Magnet you’re creating.
On the low end, you might be able to get a Lead Magnet created in 5 – 10 work hours using a combination of U.S.-based and Overseas Virtual Assistants.
This will be a very small, simple White Paper, maybe only a few pages long with a nice cover and perhaps some graphic design and layout as a PDF.
On the more expensive scale, you could use a team of US-based Virtual Assistants to go all the way up to Book Authoring Services…
… for which you can expect to spend between $10,000 – $20,000+ to cover the approximately 400 – 500+ work hours that go into a project like that — including time spent planning, researching, writing, and designing your book content, layout, and covers!